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He is either a pervert or is genuinely interested in getting to know you. It's ok for the gal to make the first move these days.

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Q: What does it mean if a guy can't stop looking at you?
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What does it mean when a guy cant stop looking at you and he's always talking to your dad?

it means hes liks you and evenchilly is gonna ask your dad if he could date you.

If a guy you like keeps on looking at you does that mean he likes you?

Its hard to say, but i would probably say yes, he probably cant stop staring at how good you look

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If your boyfriend cannot stop kissing you, it may be a sign of violence. Dump that guy.

How do you know if you like a certain guy?

when you cant stop thinking o that guy and when your around him you afraid to say somethimg stupid so you sit there looking cute

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thatyour still in love with the oher man.

What does it mean when a guy you don't know keeps looking at you?

He LIKES YOU! Jeez cant you guys on this site realize this by yourselves!

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You cant. All nice guys arent decent looking and all mean guys are decent looking.

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cant have kids

What does it mean when you look at a guy and you cant stop smiling?

When you look at a guy and you can't stop smiling it means that he gives you a certain feeling like butterflies in your stomach and this emotion is caused because you like this guy.....and soon enough he'll acknowlegde this and maybe get to know you a little more.

How you know a guy like you?

when his the only thing you think about. when you cant concetrate in class because his in your head. when you find yourself looking at him and cant stop. when you talk about him 24/7. when you get excited when he texts you,calls you,or you just here his name.....!!!!! :)............<3

So there was this guy and he was talking out pound to his friends but loudly even I could hear him he kept looking back at his friends and me what does that meanAlso he looks at me in class a lot?

When a guy looks at you it could mean many of things. It could mean that he likes you or that he is trying to tell you to stop looking at him.

What does it mean for a guy to have a limit?

cant be pushed further