If your boyfriend cannot stop kissing you, it may be a sign of violence. Dump that guy.
Just say to her: "Mom it makes me uncomfortable when your kissing your boyfriend around me." I guarantee she will stop if she's a half decent person.
thatyour still in love with the oher man.
Maybe Its Love ;)
when he cant stop smiling and lookin at you
demi cant stop the world and make things change is what that means and she cant make a girl stop falling in love with her boyfriend or spend more time with her boyfriend.
I know your always taught not to lie to your kids, or to kids, but in some cases, sometimes you have to. Just tell him/her that you wern't kissing, you were... giving your boyfriend mouth to mouth because he was ahh.. choking. :D
You will know when your boyfriend is in love with you, when he texts you saying i love you and i cant stop thinking about you. Even in class or around you friendshe might tease you and make your friends jealous. Kissing can also say alot that he's in love with you. If he's in love with you he will not want to break up with you, which is a very good sign.
She is cheating on her boyfriend with you. Stop wasting your time and get you someone who is available like you are.
Tell him that you strongly dislike kissing people with smoky breath. If he respects you, he will get the message, if he doesn't, is he worth hanging on to?
set her up with someone that she likes better. it should keep her away from your bf without a lot of fighting. hope this helps:)
Than stop.
Maybe tel them that this is affecting you and that they are all a main part of your life and that you cant take it anymore