it feels like nothing in the world matters except or this moment.
When you Feel like its the right time. :]
You are nervous because you really like him/love him and you want it to be special. Don't worry you will be fine. It's normal to feel like this. We all do when we want to make a good impression. Even though it is not your first kiss it is your first kiss with him, you know it will mean a lot to you so you are afraid that he won't feel what you feel. He will though, he will feel it when he kisses you.
Girl feel good :)
Your first kiss should be whatever you feel comfortable with and what comes naturally in the moment. There's no right or wrong way to experience your first kiss, so do what feels right for you and your partner. Communication and mutual consent are key in any intimate moment.
its different for everybody, My first kiss i couldnt feel my boyfriends lips at all. It all depends on the person. Just relax and enjoy it. it might seem like a big deal now but it really isnt when its over and done with
When you kiss someone for the first time, you feel butterflies in your stomach, and you loose your breath, but it depends how much you like them :))) hope your first kiss turns out magical just like mine did :)))) bye! have fun! but not too much!
Freakin magical!
First Of All If You Love Him You Shouldn't Feel Bad About Kissing Him..! But If Its Your First Kiss Is Normal Because You Have Never Expirience It..!(:
go in for a light one, but if you feel like its going well keep going into a deeper one
It should feel very pleasant & loving!
When you kiss someone for the first time, you feel butterflies in your stomach, and you loose your breath, but it depends how much you like them :))) hope your first kiss turns out magical just like mine did :)))) bye! have fun! but not too much!
First kisses can be a mix of excitement and nerves. It's normal to feel butterflies in your stomach and wonder if it will be good or not. Remember to relax, be present in the moment, and focus on connecting with the other person. Enjoy the experience and let it happen naturally.