A high credit score means that you have great credit. A high credit score of over seven hundred can help you get a better interest rate on a loans like mortgages.
A high fico score means you could have anywhere from a good credit rating to an excellent credit rating. If you have a high fico score, it means you pay your bills on time with no late or missing payments.
Score not available due to lack of credit history.
bad credit
I dont know what exactly 667 is but a credit score is rated on how good your credit/debit card use is, EG: your credit score is Good
That you don't have established credit.
A high fico score means you could have anywhere from a good credit rating to an excellent credit rating. If you have a high fico score, it means you pay your bills on time with no late or missing payments.
Score not available due to lack of credit history.
bad credit
A credit score is a credit evaluation rating. The British use score to mean the number twenty, as well.
I dont know what exactly 667 is but a credit score is rated on how good your credit/debit card use is, EG: your credit score is Good
That you don't have established credit.
I'm assuming you mean a high credit score, which is determined by 35% debt payment history, 30% debt levels, 15% length of debt, 10% new debt, and 10% type of debt. So, a high credit score can mean that you do owe money and have a good history of paying it on time, but it can still be high even if you recently eliminated all your debt.
Fair credit..not good not bad
That you don't have established credit.
A credit score is the number you get for using credit. You can get credit by using credit cards or having loans. A free credit score is being able to check what your credit score is without needing to pay for it.
560-619 credit score is very risky. So it is not a good score. At first you have to check why you have this type of score. Then you have to increase it. If your score is higher than 660, you will be considered a good credit risk.
It's nearly impossible to have a credit score that low. I'd check with the credit bureaus and pay to see your credit score from one of the big three -- Equifax, Transunion or Experian.