it tells you a explanation about something and people who are interested in it will read it.
text mean massage
BAC in text means by any chance.
LHH in a text means:
if someone says shoot me a textit means to text them.
same to you
It is a dictionary. You mean a commentary.
it tells you a explanation about something and people who are interested in it will read it.
a text
a text
It explains what you need to do.
The end
Explanation text is a type of writing that aims to convey information or details about a specific topic or subject. It typically provides a clear explanation of how something works, why something happens, or the characteristics of a particular concept or process. These texts are usually structured with an introduction, body that includes the explanation, and a conclusion that summarizes the main points. Examples of explanation text could be found in scientific articles, instructional manuals, or educational resources.
do now
She uses extended metaphor to give more idea of the text
sequential connectives are connectives you use in explanation text.
A Explanation Question is a question that allows the user to view reference information, which can include text, images, links and attachments.
this shows this indicates this tells us this informs us