Its not entirely clear what this means but many people out there have experienced this issue and seen it disappear after a couple of hours and others after a couple of days. It really seems random but probably has something to do with the Credit Card Gateway.
it means an error has occored in your computer
The fix is to run itunes as administrator
Do you mean the movie Baby Mama- if so there are trailers for that movie. If you mean the artist, then no. She is not on itunes yet.
1 credit means you can buy a song with that credit
if you mean iTunes they charge .99, but after tax I think its about 1.08-1.09
it means an error has occored in your computer
The fix is to run itunes as administrator
this means it is not supported
Your ispw download is corrupt redownload the firmware.
You're probably offline.
The Microsoft error message number kb890830 means a problem with a malicious file. In other words, one should delete that file (that caused the message) immediately.
Windows installer error is a message that one might receive when attempting to make an install on a Windows computer. There are various errors that are covered with this message and it is usually accompanied by a number to assist in identifying the specific error.
That's the error message to say that a Bluetooth connection attempt has failed.
i have the same problem have searched pretty much everywebsite and still cant get it working...
communication error with engine control modue.( CAN message ).
One important message received from this mobile. I want discuss with person for the important issue.
Error -1 is a bad error code. It means that the device OS could not be restored. Try to restore it two more times. If you continue to get Error -1 take the device in for service.