It usually means that you're the submissive type, in other words, you like to receive rather than give.
The "Top" is the person who dominates the sexual encounter, usually -- but not always -- the penetrator. The "bottom" (traditionally, the word "Top" is capitalized and the word "bottom" isn't) is usually the person penetrated -- but again, not always. The words originated with the leather/SM community, where the distinction is more dramatic.
To be the dominant one in anal intercourse.
The leather bands on a gay guy's arms mean right is top, left is bottom .
Top and bottom are terms used in the context of sexual preferences in gay relationships. A top is someone who prefers to take on the more dominant, penetrative role during sexual activities, while a bottom prefers to take on the more submissive, receptive role. These preferences are individual and can vary from person to person in the gay community.
There are no terms used only by gay people and not straight people. But if you're talking about gay slang, Here is a list of Gay Slang Terms.
No. Some gay men use terms of endearment more freely than others. It means nothing.
It means you should stay out of the personals section. Ddf is "drug & disease-free," and "bottom" and "top" are gay slang.
uke is used in Japanese slang to mean the receptive partner(bottom) in anal sex.
No your smart in my book because if you are on the bottom of the pyrmid you can always take a peak if you know what i mean
A top is the one in a gay couple who is "giving;" a bottom "receives."
No, in terms of sexual orientation he is not gay. .
It is term used to refer to a female companion, or wife of a homosexual to act as a cover to his true leanings.