There are no terms used only by gay people and not straight people. But if you're talking about gay slang, Here is a list of Gay Slang Terms.
Gay people are treated better than they used to be in some areas because of the hard work of people fighting for equal rights.
No. It is a natural aspect of human sexuality. In fact, surveys routinely show that the majority of gay people had to "get used to" being gay, and did not want to be gay at first. Some never get used to it.No. It is a natural aspect of human sexuality.
Some people are 100% gay. That's as gay as you can get.
if straight people look gay, its because some women like men that act like that, if they are gay and look gay, then they are gay...
Some gay people are funny and some are not. Being gay has nothing to do with being funny.
gay gay gay!
Neither is correct.In general, both of these are terms to be avoided. Use the word gay instead. While some gay people do not mind "homo" or "homosexual," the word "gay" is the more widely accepted term.
Yes. Also 7.
Yes, some people think they are gay at some point in their lives, and some of those people are correct.
Nobody starts out wanting to be gay. But gay people go through an internal battle and eventually come to terms with it. Roc-Royal is not gay. He is straight.
Nobody starts out wanting to be gay. But gay people go through an internal battle and eventually come to terms with it. If you are gay, be proud of yourself be who you are. If you are straight, be proud of yourself and be who you are.
Some I love, Some I despise, but not because they're gay.