Swallowing air doesn't make you gain weight, but it does cause bloating. Bloating can make you look like you have gained a little bit of weight, until it stops.
of course!
It could be bloating or rapid weight gain.
bloating means to gloat or brag about something.
You can use treatments like Gas-X to control bloating. But if it is happening often you should contact a doctor.
Yes bloating often occurs before a period.
Bloating and constipation are often caused by factors like a low-fiber diet, dehydration, lack of physical activity, stress, and certain medications. Digestive disorders like IBS or food intolerances can also contribute.
When you have bad bloating, you can use an herb called damiana that reduces the bloating.
Normally it just causes burping, not bloating.
The definition of bloating- Bloating is any abnormal general swelling, or increase in diameter of the abdominal area. So i would say yes. That's exactly what bloating is. but the effects are not permanent.
Hypothyroidism causes you to retain water that leads to bloating.
It absolutely DOES cause bloating and abdominal distension .