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you killed someone

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Q: What does a tooth tattoo behind the ear symbolize?
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Related questions

What does a crown tattoo behind your ear symbolize?

Nothing at all,,unless you have your own meaning behind it

Does a tattoo behind the right ear mean your gay?

No, it means you have a tattoo behind your right ear. Grow up, man.

The tattoo behind Cassie's ear?


How do you care for a behind the ear tattoo?

Tattoos, of whatever location, do not actually require maintenance. The above is not true. You should care for a tattoo behind the ear like you would any other tattoo.

What does a diamond tattoo behind ear mean?

It means you are trendy.

What does heart tattoo behind ear mean?

you hate your date

Can you get a job in Early Childhood Education with a tattoo behind your ear?

Yes you can.

What does diamond tattoo behind ear mean?

It means something to who ever has it

Does Tiffany thorton have a tattoo?

Yes, it is behind her right ear. It is a sixteenth note.

What does a blue diamond tattoo behind the ear mean?

A Blue diamond tattoo on the right shoulder means they are a top class bodyguard, but I'm not sure about behind the ear. I'm pretty sure it means nothing unless on the shoulder.

What is a tattoo of three triangle dots behind the ear mean on a girl?

it means "My Crazy Life"

What does lighting bolt tattoo behind ear mean?

If it's a singular lightning bolt, then it probably means next to nothing. A lot of tattoos behind the ear are completely ornamental. However, if it is two lightning bolts side by side, then it very possibly might be an SS (Schustaffen) Bolt tattoo, and is a highly White Power tattoo.