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to me, it signifies when God healed my eyes- I saw stars in the night sky...I called them "Sparkles." After having bug vision my whole life, a star was the first thing I saw with healed eyes. It was called a Medical Miracle after the nerves behind my retinas were shortened and never grew back- The surgery was at age 5, at age 7- they got healed the night after I took stage at an areana- a christian crusade, where I got my prayer healing. This was amazing, because my bifocal glasses were no longer needed. I'm 33, and have never needed additional surgeries or glasses or contacts. I think it's a beautiful symbol that speaks a message of peace and a miracle healing- and adds symetry to my face. It also takes the place of a unicorn horn- which to me embodies the spirits of purity and miracles. I will always cherish this- and I am an artist and singer and to me it's artistic self- expression.

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8mo ago

A star tattoo on the forehead may symbolize guidance, protection, or spirituality. It can also represent dreams, hopes, or aspirations. Ultimately, the meaning of the tattoo can vary depending on the individual's personal beliefs and intentions.

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