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It probably means your pregnant. Cause a smiley face=happy, and usually people are happy when they get pregnant.

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Q: What does a smiley face on a clear blue digital pregnancy test mean?
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What are the best pregnancy test?

clear blue digital tests, mostly the digital. you would want to buy the more expensive. to be sure about myself, i took five pregnancy tests from first responce and clear blue. they were all positive, and then i got the cheapest kind since sometimes they are inaccurate.. that too came up positive.

Your clear blue digital pregnancy test said you were pregnant and had 3 what does this mean?

my clearblue said am pregnant and it say 1 2 what that 1 2 weeks

I used clear blue digital ovulation and the smiley face showed up on the august 20 2008 which days you think i should have had sex and my period was had started on the 7?

Use condom and you can have sex whenever you want to.

What does a smiley face mean on a clear blue ovulation test?

It means that your gonna have a baby . Congrats

On Monday I did two clear-blue tests faint but positive today did digital clear-blue which says not pregnant?

If you got a positive you are pregnant. These is no such thing as a false positive. Another pregnancy test may give you a negative because it requires a larger amount of HCG to be detected before it will read positive. This is especially true for digital tests. So, congratualations.

How do you use a clear blue pregnancy test?

Well.... You pee on it...

What do 2 blue lines on a clear blue pregnancy test mean?

congrads your preggers!

On a clear blue pregnancy test what does one dark line mean?

If it is digital you are not supposed to read the lines, only the "pregnant" or "not pregnant." If it is a regular one, it means you are not pregnant or the test was not done correctly.

What does it mean if a Clear Blue digital pregnancy test comes up with a blue line?

There's directions inside the box of the test and it shows u what it looks like if u r or arent pregnant. There has been many complaints that this product gives false positives. I did a web search and many people had this problem with Clear Blue.

Can i reuse a clear blue pregnancy test?

no they can only be used once

How accurate is a clear blue pregnancy test and is clear blue known for false negatives?

clear Blue is a fairly accurate test as it measures quite a small amount of the pregnancy hormone. any pregnancy test can give a false negative if done too early. But as it measures a small amount of hormone it should give very few after a missed period.

How reliable are home pregnancy testing kits?

It depends on what kind of test you are taking. Depending on the level of hcg that the test picks up they can be pretty accurate. The best test right now is the clear blue digital.