It mean a gang symbol known to the gang "bloods" if your not inn that gang,than it whould be a bad idea
Probably not. The 6-pointed star of David is the gangsign for Black Gangster Disciples, but this is an unlikely gang for a white man to join.
harrys tattoo is a five pointed star for each of the five members of one direction!(: trust me.... I would know!
8 pointed star? unless a gang or similar has claimed it, nothing special that i know of.
The blue 5 pointed star tattoo on the left ear means that the sailor has sailed around Cape Horn. If the tattoo is on the right ear it means that the sailor has rounded 5 or more times.
The emo star is actual a nautical star. The nautical star is usually seen as a tattoo representing membership in the US Navy or Marine Corp. The symbol represents the five pointed star of the US flag and the red/black color pattern represents the compass rose found on old nautical maps. I do not understand why emo's get the tattoo or what it means to them.
A black star tattoo can symbolize different things depending on the individual. It can represent hope, guidance, protection, ambition, or a personal milestone. Some may also associate it with the idea of navigating through challenging times or finding light in darkness.
A solid black colored star worn by someone may be a symbol of the North Star in reference to the Norteno gang out of California. A black nautical star was once a symbol of homosexuality, in the 1940s and 1950s.
Star tattoos are kind of like THE generic tattoo. If somebody really wants a tattoo but is not sure what to get or doesn't have anything that's really meaningful, stars are what they end up with. Someone might have 3 stars, for instance, representing each child. Or purple stars because it's their favorite color. But in general the star is the tattoo the non-creative people get just to say they have a tattoo.
A nautical star tattoo typically features a five-pointed star with alternating colors, often black and white. It is associated with navigation and guidance, making it a popular design choice for those connected to the sea or seeking direction in life.
Yes, it is a butterfly and a unicorn kissing and it is located on his left buttock. On the right buttock cheek he has a fox chasing a rabbit into the hole.
Well, It's a simple black star and its about one inch.
if u mean black haired it could be nikita Denise