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The emo star is actual a nautical star. The nautical star is usually seen as a tattoo representing membership in the US Navy or Marine Corp. The symbol represents the five pointed star of the US flag and the red/black color pattern represents the compass rose found on old nautical maps. I do not understand why emo's get the tattoo or what it means to them.

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Honey, having an emo haircut doesn't automatically make you emo. It's like saying wearing a cowboy hat makes you a cowboy. Embrace the hairstyle you want without worrying about labels. You do you, boo.

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what do u mean? do u mean y r people emo? or do u mean how did emo get started? well emo people are emo because they are super emotional. emo is a state of mind not a fashion but many emo people do wear dark colors and cut but not all do. emo is just another subculture

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No, Godsmack is not emo, it's metal. Metal is not emo. Dark music about killing yourself is emo, and by dark, I dont mean Disturbed. but no, Godsmack is not emo music.

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no because yo have to be emotional to be emo not emotionless.

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Emo? by what deffinition do you mean? Pierre is in no way an emo. yes around 2007 he did have a side swept fringe but that doesnt make a person emo

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Depends on the context but see

Am i normal because im turning emo and onyl like emo boys or should i ditch whos turning me emo my best friend i mean?

Nobody is normal. Everybody is different. Don't let anyone change you and just because you like emo guys, doesn't mean you are emo.

What is does emo mean?
