She has to take a test to know for sure.
because birth control can make you think you're pregnant.
Take a pregnancy test just like every other woman.
Because it is extremly stylish.
Partner, Mom, Best Friend, Sister, Doctor
Shes not pregnant, it was a rumor.
Yes it is possible for a woman to still bleed fromher period even if pregnant. This may happen one to two times after fertilization.
shes either pregnant or getting ill if shes pregnant shes stuffing herselve with food to feed her pups 8)
NO! shes just shy! and people like to call her anorexic, and then say she pregnant and they make fun of her stud er so shes not the most confident but i think she gorgeous and people need to lay off shes only human not super woman
the best football-playing woman EVER...period (in the CCFLA) shes not a woman shes a girl.
she should be monitored by a dr to make sure shes not developing pre eclampsia,
not without parents consent. the parent is still responsible for the girl regardless if shes pregnant or not.