your water is starting to break
If while going to the bathroom, you gave birth.
It is definitely possible to get pregnant that way. A woman going to the bathroom has no effect on whether or not she will get pregnant. A woman urinating after intercourse can reduce her rates of getting a urinary tract infection, but it has no effect on pregnancy.
It means they are pregnant and the baby needs to go to the bathroom alot just like in real life . Babys go to the bathroom alot in the world, and they do the same in your stomach.
you are bipolar with balder infection.
Not unless you mean "are you capable of going to the bathroom?" When asking permission, we say "may I go to the bathroom?"
both Stated mathematically, it means ( 1 + 2 ) .
Going to the bathroom after sex has NOTHING to do with your chances of getting pregnant..birth control and other forms of protection are necessary and even then nothing is guaranteed to work 100%..and ANY girl can get pregnant, no matter her age, if she is healthy and ovulating (meaning if she gets a period every month)
Going to the bathroom is a necessary body function. In that respect, going to the bathroom is healthy. It can become unhealthy if you do not use healthy practices, like washing your hands after eliminating.
To say 'He is going to the bathroom' you would say 'Va al baño.'
No... :)
No, it doesnt :) dont worry