The Ankh, the Egyptian cross with a looped top, is a symbol of life. This does not mean that is how the person with the tattoo interprets it. When in doubt, ask.
Black Hand Tattoo's usually mean you are involved with criminals or an organization, the Black Hand means that you are strongarming someone or extorting money from them and if they dont cooperate they will be a victim and could possibly lose their life. BLACK HAND
A dagger is a tattoo symbol that means an act of aggression. A rose is a symbol of love or beauty. These tattoo's together can mean that a loved one broke their heart and they are very upset about it.
The tattoo on Alyssa Milano's neck is based on a Buddhist symbol. This symbol can be translated to express unity and deep wisdom.
A hand grenade tattoo can symbolise having served in the military during a time of war or surviving as a civilian through a war. An exploding hand grenade is the symbol for having lost someone one in a war. An exploding hand grenade with a heart represents losing a loved one in a war.
The Tattoo of Oriboris indicated that the bearer of the tattoo was not human, but a homunculus.
Girl power!
It is his name in Thai
There are many meanings for a fleur-de-lis tattoo. They are a symbol for royalty and chivalry. A fleur-de-lis is also a symbol for Christianity, faith and wisdom.