When a guy says he likes your face it means he likes the way that you look.
It most likely means that he is jealous and truly believes that you like the person.
She is either hiding that she likes someone, or doesn't TRULY like someone at the moment.
she either is a freak.. or is trying to get you to like her because she doesn't know what else to do.
Mosley what that means is that your face is like a beautiful sunset with blue oceans when you see their face.
When they say it behind your back then that prolbley means they like u
If a guy says he is bored over Facebook and you like him, it could be that he is trying to get away from someone, or is truly bored with it. Perhaps one should consider asking to meet face to face instead of always communicating in bytes and bits.
it's just a phrase, it basicly mean's "i love you forever."
you ask "do you truly love me" then he says yes and you have sex.
He truly loves you.(:
It means he doesn't like you. Unless he somewhat implies that he does, then you should just believe what he says. If he truly does like you, he must have a reason for lying. He'd pursue you if he liked you, instead of hiding his feelings by saying no. Therefore, he does not like you.
you sould ask her what does she mean by that ... O.o
It usually means that he really likes you and you really like him.