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It means he has a crush on you. He has feelings of love for you. It means he wants to date you. If you have feelings for him too, tell him. He may ask you out. And if he isn't confident enough, ask him out!

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Congrats, he loves you. If you have similar feelings, let him know. But if not, then tell hem you just want to be friend and all. Its better to clear things now than later.

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Q: What does a guy mean when he says he has always liked you and has more than feelings for you?
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When a girl is mean does it mean she likes you?

Some girls just like to tease boys because they like them and are to scared to show their actual feelings. If the person is a mean naturally then it more than likely means she is being mean just to be mean. The only way you can actually tell is just by asking her if she does then you know! It doesn't always mean they like you, they could just despise you. Or they could be just joking around.

What does it mean when a girl says i kind of have feelings for you and i know you have feelings for me but i dont know if i could see us as more than friends?

It means that she isn't positively sure if her feelings are strong enough for you to be a couple or have a stronger relationship together as boyfriend and girlfriend. Hope that helps.- Nataliethx that helps. i have noticed her being diffferent towards me in the past couple weeeks as if she has been interested in me whenever we hangout so do you think that her feelings have a potential to grow stronger?!.. like we have been friends for 6 months and lately she has started to like me so maybe this could grow.?

What does 'bit off more than I can chew' mean?

I took on more work than I can do.

How much more is the Canadian dollar worth than the Mexican peso?

It always changes. Go to

A guy knows that i like him but he only wants to be friends how should i make him want to be more?

Become more social with him,ask him if he wants to go somewhere as "friends" then tell him a few days later that you have feelings for him and so on. But he just wants to be friends so be his friend. You never know where that may lead.

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He probably found out that you liked him back then when you liked him more than a friend, and once you told him that you liked him as a friend, he probably is just thinking about the feelings he has for you or trying to make sense of his emotions.

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Talk to your friend about it. If she has a good heart, she'll understand and let you date him. If not, maybe she's a little more sensitive and you may want to put her feelings into consideration.

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I would personally say that getting sensitive to his feelings and thoughts would make him do the same for you. Or you can ask him to get more sensitive with your feelings without putting up a fight which wouldn't be that easy... I think that showing the most of your feelings would be the best way to make him think more about your feelings... Hope u liked my answer!^^

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If a guy says that he has more than feelings for you he is getting attached and wants more than the relationship that you currently have.

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hes trying to say he cares about you and your feelings (aka he likes you more than a friend) which if you ask me is a great kinda guy there the kinds my girlfriends chose after they ditched me... so goodluck with you and him _______________________________________________________________________