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If someone said this to you, it probably means that they really liked you a lot. I cannot tell if they liked you as just a friend or a little more just by looking at your question, but they obviously liked you a lot.

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11mo ago

It means that the speaker has always had strong feelings of affection or fondness towards the listener without reservation. It implies that the feelings have been consistent and sincere over time.

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Q: What does it mean to say i always liked you completely?
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When i say i always liked you completely what am i saying?

what are you saying? yhou coud be saying the right thing or the wrong thing,belive me,i told a girl ive liked for 5 years that i liked her and all that,and she found it awkward to talk to me,ignoring me forever,so you shoudnt realy tell her!

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Just say "I really always liked mom better."

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It means that she was shy to admit that she liked you. She is probably waiting for you to make the first move.

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i dont really get what you are saying but if you mean like what can you call a pet which is old lets say a guina pig than its easy there are thousands of names but i always liked this one 'patrick'

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Cook him dinner. Say you're sorry.

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I say Rhapsody .. they got a lot of fans... and i liked them..i mean..they are so great !!

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it most likely means he totaly liked it but didn't know what to say

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