A common tattoo among Hispanic gang is the pachuco cross tattooed on the hand between the thumb and index finger, which is a sign of gang membership. In some countries, a cross tattooed on the hand simply means the obvious; Christian.
If it is a cross it means you're a devout Christian.
The Ankh, the Egyptian cross with a looped top, is a symbol of life. This does not mean that is how the person with the tattoo interprets it. When in doubt, ask.
A cross tattoo on the wrist means that you are a Christian A cross ANYWHERE on a person, does Not always mean they are Christian! Some use/wear it as just another piece of jewlery.
Means that person has Diabetes.
This is traditionally a religeous symbol as the cross tipically represents christ.
If you mean the palm of my hand, yup! It is exactly 3 times the length of my thumb. (:
Well it can mean that your in love with demons
killed 5 people
that the wearer worships Satan
it mean u love money