The Ankh, the Egyptian cross with a looped top, is a symbol of life. This does not mean that is how the person with the tattoo interprets it. When in doubt, ask.
Check out tattoo symbolism here: But remember, sometimes a rose is just a rose. It doesn't mean or symbolize anything!
This is traditionally a religeous symbol as the cross tipically represents christ.
Well it can mean that your in love with demons
killed 5 people
that the wearer worships Satan
Umm, probably that you love Jesus. What else would it mean?
you lost a loved one ?
it means that you worship satan.
In prison it can symbolize someone who will "extinguish your flame" if you're not careful.
i don't now what cross means but in a lot of things they say that red is a evil color
At the moment the southern cross is an indication of Australian pride, with many choosing to tattoo themselves and attatch southern cross stickers to vehicles. I have a southern cross tattoo as I am about to serve in the military and feel a stong sence of national pride. The soutrhern cross can mean different things to different people. Cheers