A hummer is a fellaito; so if I wanted it I would ask your sister.
From what I know Jayy does not have a sister but u can ask him or his mom on twitter
after getting pokeballs ask for it from your rival's sister who is your neighbour
You can ask him self his email is : drakeb@live.co.za : this is his own not the fan email
Hello i understand why you would ask this as his character in big time rush wants to be but he said that he always wanted to be an actor and a singer he is now and hopes to be for a very long time... hope you got what you wanted bye! lol :P
Ask him: Craig, If my sister had A baby, would I be an aunt or an uncle? Or: Craig, All the animal noises you have on the thing you use for sound effects, Did you record them yourself?
I'd be more concerned that my sister was dating my brother in the first place than that she wanted to break up with him.Because I cannot imagine this is really what you wanted to ask, please try again.If it WAS what you wanted to ask, I suggest that "be greatly relieved" would be a good way to handle it.
You could ask her out if you wanted security to get you and if you wanted her to say NO. I mean what kind of question is this?
Tell her you love her and ask her not to do what is upsetting you.
I'm not sure how to answer that question as it is subjective. If you need help with something specific, feel free to ask!
Depending on how old you are, you could always try and apply for a Big Brother / Big Sister program. This way, if you need guidance, you can ask for an older sister. OR if you wanted to help someone younger, you could become their bigger sister and 'mentor' them. If you are still in school, you could ask your guidance counselor about the program and see if he or she can help you get in.
You can tell your friend about it, and ask for advice from your friend. See what your friend thinks about the situation, and if she is happy about it, see what your friend's sister think about it, and then, if she is happy, well, you can ask your friend's sister to ask her friend what she\he thinks about you ;)
It really depends on if your relationship is friendly or romantic. In both cases it could mean that he is very close to you and thinks of you as his sister in a way, if you are in a romantic relationship I advise you ask him upfront about it to get the real answer because this is just my opinion.
Answer YOU haven't said if you are his sister so will assume that you are. If so, why not ask your brother how he'd feel if you wanted to date his buddy and see what he says.
Do you have a sister ???
AnswerI don't think he's entitled to it from the Insurance Company. Call them and ask.
There is no way for us to tell you what is in his mind. Ask him.
ask her and she might tell you or do not ask her at all