The designation, BDL represents "B" grade wood and the DL is for deluxe model.
ADL, BDL, or older?
1,000 in mint condition. They are a rare rifle. Less than 5% of 760 BDL's were left handed.
100-500 usd
Woodmaster is the model. Grade are ADL, BDL.
The BDL model of Remington rifles stands for B deluxe. It is an upgraded model which features a hinged floor plate for ammo removal.
100-1000 depending on specifics
yes a BDL rifle will fit a ADL stock but the trigger guard will not but a new trigger guard can be bought for 20 to 50 dollars and
The BDL has a hinged floorplate assembly allowing ammo removal from the bottom of the rifle. The ADL has a trigger guard, only it does not have a hinged floorplate in the rifle's stock. In addition, the magazine well on the ADL is a blind bottom.
What caliber is it? The length of the rifle cartridge determines if it is a long or short action.