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Angle Eject.

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Q: What does AE on the Winchester rifle mean?
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What does the ae stand for in Winchester 94 ae rifle?

Angle Eject

What is the valueof awinchester 97 ae 44 caliber rifle?

No such rifle made by Winchester. A model 94 AE would be between 50-500 USD

What year was your Winchester model 94 AE made serial number 5467109?

Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 1894 AE rifle was made in the year 1988.

What is the value of a Winchester model 94AE serial 5258185?

The value of any rifle is dependent upon the condition of it. The AE is a very common rifle. If the rifle is in excellent condition, this make and model would be worth $350 to $400.

What do Winchester rifle serial number G1708708 mean?

This should indicate that you have a Winchester model 70 rifle that was made in the year 1984.

What is a Winchester model 94 AE 30-30 worth?

200-350 dollars,depending onthe overall condition of your rifle and a good bore.

What does l and lr mean in a Winchester model 190 rifle?

Long and Long Rifle.

What does W.M.R. mean on a rifle?

Winchester Magnum Rimfire (WMR)

What is age and value of your Winchester Rifle Model 94AE serial number 5245345?

With the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 1894 AE(angle eject) rifle was made in the year 1983.The value of these rifles will be between 150-300 dollars,depending on overall condition and a good bore.

What does the AE Stand For On a Winchester?

Angled Ejection

When was the Winchester repeating rifle invented?

Oliver Winchester invented the Winchester repeating rifle in 1860

When was Winchester M 14 serial number 1073983 made?

If you mean a Winchester model 1894 rifle then it was made in the year 1929.I will say that Winchester never has made a model 14 though.Could you mean a Remington model 14 pump action rifle?