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No such rifle made by Winchester. A model 94 AE would be between 50-500 USD

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Q: What is the valueof awinchester 97 ae 44 caliber rifle?
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What is the value of a reuger 44 caliber rifle?

100-1000 usd

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Remington did not make a carbine in .44 Magnum caliber. They did chamber the Model 788 rifle in that caliber. Do you have a Ruger carbine in .44 Remington Magnum, or perhaps a Marlin in that caliber?

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What caliber was the first built lever action rifle And was it used in the civil war?

That was either the Spencer is .50 caliber or the Henry in .44 Rimfire.

MP-44 Sturmgewehr Assault Rifle?

The MP-44 or STG 44 was the first ever assault rifle that was created by Nazi Germany. It was effective and was a 7.92mm in caliber. It was used during D-Day and the AK-47 is the deritive of the MP-44.

Does Benjamin sheridan make 45 cal big bore hunting pellet rifles?

Benjamin (Owned by Crosman) has a new Benjamin Rogue it is a .357 caliber. At present it will be the largest Pellet rifle made with the Benjamin name. Yes it is a hunting rifle. The next largest Benjamin rifle is the Benjamin Marauder .25 caliber. Sam Yang make a 50 caliber and a 44 caliber hunting air rifle.

What rifles were used in the civil war?

1861 Springfield 58 caliber Rifle Musket 1858 Endfield 3 Band .577 caliber Rifle Musket Sharp's Carbine 50 caliber Sharp's rifle 50 caliber Burnside carbine 52 caliber Spencer repeating carbine 52 caliber Henry Repeating rifle 44-40 rimfire Model 1841 Mississippi Rifle 58 caliber Harper's Ferry 1840 conversion smoothbore 69 caliber (Buck and Ball) This list represents only the more popular rifles. Other firearms such as shotguns (which do not have rifled barrels) and handguns (revovlers) are not listed.