Write whatever you would say to that person if they were in the room with you.
i want to write hindi wall post in facebook
You put it at the end. for example if someones name was Mr Jones you do not write; Mr Jonses sheep. you write; Mr Jones' sheep. Got it?
Perhaps you accidentaly turned wall off. To turn it back on go to Settings (top right of the screen) Privacy (click manage) Profile Where it says Wall posts, make sure the box is cheked. Hope you get it sorted!
all you have to do is put an @ sign before you write their name and it ill show you a list and just click the persons name.
to write on someones facebook wall using your mobile you would do it like you would if you were on the computer/laptop
just go to their wall and click in the box at the top of the screen and when you have your cursor in the box and start typing
Either they're not your friend, or they have restricted access privileges and do not allow it.
No, the information does not go to their wall until you enter it.
Yes, unless that person is on your bolcked list.
Well first what you do is go on your friends facebook, and then you press comment, and then you write the message on your friend's wall.
it means your emo
If you're trying to write something like in there about me or something, you need to have the password to have the ability to do that.
i want to write hindi wall post in facebook
Unless you know their login, or have access to someone's account that can view someone's wall, there is no way you can see a person's wall if it is set so you can't.
That depends on the person's privacy settings, but mainly, no...
go on your or someones profile and click on meassages and write a message