just go to their wall and click in the box at the top of the screen and when you have your cursor in the box and start typing
to write on someones facebook wall using your mobile you would do it like you would if you were on the computer/laptop
i want to write hindi wall post in facebook
No, the information does not go to their wall until you enter it.
Either they're not your friend, or they have restricted access privileges and do not allow it.
Well first what you do is go on your friends facebook, and then you press comment, and then you write the message on your friend's wall.
unless you are on a discussion wall / a mutual friend's wall, you cannot like someones comment or status
You just write lots of stuff on their wall. Post one word at a time. Dont forget to write BOOOM!!
Yes, unless that person is on your bolcked list.
That depends on the person's privacy settings, but mainly, no...
Make sure you are the persons friendClick the box that says Write somethingWrite your messageClick share
You go on a friend you want to do wall-to-wall with's profile page. Their wall should be there. Post a post that is your wall-to-wall post and send it to their wall. That's how to create a wall-to-wall.