when you have what they called morning sickness (feels like blowing/vomitting early in the morning), when you crave for something you dont know like food.
The same as you always feel.
what does it feel like pregant for the first couple weeks
makes me feel like eating a sausage roll
they feel like they are worth something 911 gets them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
probably, because if you think about you would get paranoid and start thinking that you are or you would just feel like you are. some people do feel like that but as soon a they start thinkin like that they end up being pregnant or starting their period
I have and I do not have a womb so I can't be pregnant. Feels exactly like when a baby moves in youl
I do not think you can really feel it until more time has passed.
You may be pregnant. Spring for a test.
No... :)
Why in the world would somebody become pregnant to a pillow? No, you can't become pregnant to a pillow.