I do not think you can really feel it until more time has passed.
when you are one week pregnant can you feel anything in your stomach
You see technically your not pregnant when it is a week cause it is just an egg although many woman say they feel symptoms as early as this! you see chances are you just need to fart or burb!
My stomach did feel different the week after intercourse. It felt like a lot of pressure in my stomach making me have to urinate more frequently. I am almost 2 months pregnant now!!
no if you do your baby will die
Yes it can. It gas bubbles in ur stomach..
stomach pains are expected throughout the whole of your pregnancy. There may be a week or 2 where you don't feel any pain. but then suddenly the other weeks are painful, but if there is no blood then you don't have to worry about it.
Probably just gas. If your were pregnant you would feel a babys movement around 18 to 20 week.
You do get crampy when you are pregnant. Have you missed your period yet? It will feel like period cramps (normally) Also, in early pregnancy many women get constipated, so it could be from that also.
It Is possibele Iam pregnant
i am 28wks pregnant and i feel very restless, iv been feeling like this for a week now. i feel like i don't know what to do with myself. i think it may be due to boredom
it souldnt feel any different it is to soon for the baby to grow to considerably, you may notice some cramoing but it isn't to likely
Feels pretty much like a pop. Sometimes you can actually see your stomach popping up and down depending on how often the fetus kicks or move.