Don't worry it's nothing bad, it doesn't hurt.
If your period starts at school, tell a teacher straight away, don't be embarrassed, be embarrassed if you have a man teacher.
Put a paper towel there if you don't have a pad, then when you get home tell your mum, (NOT DAD!)
girls were feminine pad when their period starts. girls were feminine pad when their period starts. girls were feminine pad when their period starts.
Your probably spotting
When she starts to ovulate which you do before you get your first period.
From the day it starts.
You don't...It just starts
the 21 of the next month?
twelve to fourteen days after your period starts.
Not always, but normally for me the night my period starts or the night before my period starts i can't or have a lot of trouble sleeping. when my period started i had no idea and no signs it kind of crept up on me. hope this helps.
Having your period means you did not conceive!
Annual is a period of time. It begins with the letter a.
14 days before your period starts.
You will know when your period starts, because you will have blood coming from you vagina.