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Well if you know that your boy friend his lying then you can do two things-

1- You can work things out with him and try to solve this huge problem, which it may or may not work. He might continue lying and make you feel worse.

2- Or you can just brake up with him because from what I can tell you is that the relationship isn't going to last, and you ll be the one with a broken heart at the end. Relationships shouldn't live with lies but they should be lived with trust and honor.

I hope this can help you, with your problem.

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Q: What do you do if you know your boyfriend is lying?
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What is the difference between asking and telling?

Telling is act of saying about something what one already know. Asking is the act of inquiring about something one has/needs to know. An example of telling is "Your book is lying there". An example of asking is "Did you see my book".

Which is correct you were lying in bed or laying in bed?

You were lying in bed.The way I remember is that objects lay, people lie! Hope this helps!

What you do if your boyfriend is cheating on you and your in the eighth grade?

You have to be sure about that first. If you are sure that he is cheating, dump him before he does.

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How do you know if your boyfriend is cheating on you?

This can be a tough one, but there are signs if you are paying attention: Missing dates with you Not calling you at least every other day 2 - 3 days between phone calls or emails Not seeing you on weekends Staying out for hours and you don't know where he is and he has no excuse Lying about where he was Sometimes friends will tell a person if they've seen their boyfriend somewhere with another girl. Believe it or not most women are in denial over this and will get angry at the very friends helping them. Don't be one of these women! If someone you trust tells you they have seen your boyfriend at a club, bar or anywhere else with another girl, you confront him! Don't ever sit back and take this. Even though you are just dating it's not really any different than being married because loyalty, trust and honesty are always high on the list with both. You get an STD.He acts weird around you (e. g. he seems afraid to kiss you).He's with the same girl every time he's not with you.He spends less time with you.At first a few things won't add up and then your gut tells you.Well, You could follow him or check his facebook messages while hes not there:)

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How do you know if your boyfriend is lying?

ask him!

How you know if your boyfriend lying?

You know if your boyfriend is lying if he hesitates,or looks worried,or is kind of breathing fast.If you ask him any questions and he either hesitates,looks worried,or breathes fast,you know he is lying to you.Or if you just have a feeling that you shouldn't believe him.I hope my answer was help to you.Good luck!

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There is no way to positively know if your boyfriend has cheated on you unless you catch him or he tells you. There may be some signs such as not being where he says he is or lying to you on who he was with.

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NO if he was a lying boyfriend that's not going to go away

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He probably hasn't lied to you, but since your dreaming about it it is probably a fear to have your boyfriend lying to you.

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you ask your boyfriend if that is true

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You'll never be able to tell if it's a long distance one

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No! If he doesn´t care for four months about telling the truth, how do you know where he is lying or telling the truth? It is definitely an abuse of confidence.

What do you do when your boyfriend lying to you?

dump him!! you deserve better :)

What do you do when your boyfriend thinks your lying to him but your not?

Prove to him that you aren't.

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Well for one thing darling its all on his face, second look at the facts.

How do you know your boyfriend is lying on the phone?

listen to the tone of voice not the haky ness because we can chang that on purpos watch the tone or like the deepness of or voice