He probably hasn't lied to you, but since your dreaming about it it is probably a fear to have your boyfriend lying to you.
Probably nothing, from what I've researched, dreams usually bring out what you're afraid of or what you want. Your boyfriend lying in your dream could and 99.9% is just a manifestation of your fear.
NO if he was a lying boyfriend that's not going to go away
you ask your boyfriend if that is true
ask him!
you still love her
dump him!! you deserve better :)
Prove to him that you aren't.
The messages in your dreams are subliminal messages which your unconscious mind is trying to say.... Its either: He wants to 'shag' you darling.... OR You shouldn't be lying down with your best friends' boyfriend anyway... You slut.... I don't care if it's in your dreams!
The dreams reflect the dreamer's own emotions. There may be difficulties between the dreamer and the boyfriend that the dreamer is trying to overlook, but which cause sadness in these dreams.
This simply means that your boyfriend is on your mind. It is perfectly natural to dream about a loved one. The dreams do NOT mean that the boyfriend is thinking of you; dreams only illustrate the dreamer's own thoughts and feelings. It means your unconscious mind is fixating on your boyfriend. You are possibly obsessed, don't worry.
he wants to be in russia
still has feelings for her