The anime series "Burst Angel" anime series is a Shoujo-Ai , or Yuri , based on lesbian themes .
Yes. Yes it is.
No, men are classified as gay, not lesbian. So it wouldn't be correct to call them a lesbian.
There is a show called Strawberry panic that is an anime show.You can watch this show on youtube or
The Russians don't have a name for lesbian, but call it "
If your girlfriend like anime you can call her anime Annie. No, her name is Shanice and I want a name that is short, like 4 letters but refers to anime
Charlie Holloway is a man, that's not nice to call him a lesbian.
Normal. That's the point of your being lesbian.
fingering, oral, sex toys, or scissoring
A friend
Well anime is the Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of "animation." Anime is what you call cartoons from Japan.
Numbers which let you call lesbian sex lines for free