

Best Answer

There is no such thing as a weed. It is only what we call plants we don't want.

dat person how gave u da answer plant dat u don want does not no anyting ya if u no dat person kill her or do something evil for me plz o ya u r answer it makes u get high n loads of stuff

First, the person above me should get an education and learn how to spell.

Second, it's true, weed is a plant, but you can't say that "it is a plant that WE do not need". What if I need it? What if someone has to use it due to health problems? So stop being so shallow!

And here are some aftermath of using pot:

Rapid heart rate

Increased blood pressure

Increased rate of breathing

Red eyes

Dry mouth

Increased appetite

Slowed reaction time

Distorted sense of time


Magical or "random" thinking

Short-term memory loss

Anxiety and depression

And of course, that doesn't mean that you will go through all that. Most probably, you'll just get high and have fun.

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