A balanced diet means eating the right variety of food in the right amount of quantity and in right amount of calories in every day life in the shape of fresh and healthy
I think you mean balanced, not blanced.He made a balanced speed at the UN.She's following a balanced diet.
Balanced diet
When you can that you are eating a balanced diet.
not necessarily, all meals don't have to be balanced for the total diet to be balanced.
when a person follows a wrong balanced diet. For example a diabetic following a normal person's balanced diet
Everyone must eat a balanced diet. No exceptions.
Nothing in particular. However in some contexts a proper diet can mean being for a specific type of person where sometimes able to juxtapose to a balanced diet in which these are a general, broader statement. E.g. A proper diet for a swimmer is consists of more carbohydrates but a balanced diet is generally for anyone.
A balanced diet means getting the right types and amounts of foods and drinks to supply nutrition and energy for maintaining body cells, tissues, and organs, and for supporting normal growth and development. A well-balanced diet provides enough energy and nutrition for optimal growth and development.
A balanced diet, a food from every food group in one meal
Health should be your goal, not wieght. When you are eating a well balanced diet and excersizing regularly you will be at your ideal weight. A well balanced diet does not include diet foods, diet foods are not well balanced as far as nutrition goes.
we need balanced diet because to keep the energy in right amount so that our body can perform vital functions.
Balanced diet is the diet which considers all the important aspects in a diet. Balanced diet affects the emotional health in a positive manner. It changes one's behavior and changes it all over.