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Ukraines put a spider and web on the Christmas tree for good luck!

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Q: What do traditional Ukrainians put on their Christmas tree for luck?
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What do traditional Ukrainians put on their Christmas tree for good luck?

Traditional Ukrainians put cobwebs on their Christmas tree for good luck.

What do Ukrainians put on top of their Christmas tree?

They put a spider and it's web on top of the tree for good luck.

What do traditional Ukrainians put on their Christams tree for good luck?

A Ukranian Christmas tree has a spider and web for good luck. Legend has it that a poor woman with nothing to put on her children's tree woke on Christmas morning to find the branches covered with spider webs turned to silver by the rising sun.

Why do Ukrainians decorate their Christmas tree with a spider and a web?

Russians do put spider webs on their trees, it is an ancient tradition that has been happening for centuries but is loosing its tradition lately!

What are the piano notes to o christmas tree?

because the Christmas tree is traditional and they are saying why do we have one.

Is it bad luck if Christmas tree falls over?

No, a Christmas tree falling over does not cause bad luck. This belief is purely superstition.

Why do you have Christmas tree on Christmas day?

because the tree gives luck that someday Santa truly will come

Is it bad luck to take Christmas tree down before the new year?

No you can take it down when ever you want it is your Christmas tree isn't it. So really no bad luck can be made at Christmas.

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what kind tree's do Jamaica use for Christmas

What is good luck if you find it in your Christmas tree?

if you were to find a spiders web in the house on Christmas day. It was a sign of good luck.

When is it bad luck to have your Christmas tree up?

That is all superstition. Bad luck and good luck are fictional.

Is it bad luck to take down Christmas tree before new year?

nope! merry Christmas! luck isn't possible