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This could mean anything from that someone wants to continue the convosation in person or that your screen isn't big enough to fit the message in! 3 dots at the end of a sentence usually mean that the sentence can't be ended or there's another part to it.

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Q: What do three dots at the end of a text message mean?
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We are talking about three dots here, right? If it's at the end of the text... may be getting a continuation message. Otherwise in vernacular usage it usually indicates a dramatic pause or invites you to fill in the gap yourself...

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Three dots in a sentence is an ellipsis. It can mean a word, or a section of text is missing. It can also mean that time passed.

What do the dots in text messaging mean?

No comment!

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it means she probably wasnt expecting to hear from you

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In printing a sequence of three dots indicating an omission in text?


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The set of three periods (...) is called an ellipsis.

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When. Sending a text message the answer comes back saying person does not want to answere text message how come

What does it mean when a guy puts dots at the end of a text?

Adding dots at the end of a text message can have different interpretations depending on the context. It could imply that the person is trailing off or leaving the conversation open-ended. In some cases, it could also be a typographical habit or indicate hesitation or uncertainty. It is best to consider the overall conversation and tone to get a better understanding of what the dots might mean.

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It can mean...Text backThanks babeToo bad

What do you call three dots at the end of a poem?

Those three dots at the end of a poem are called an ellipsis. It indicates the omission of words or a pause in the text.

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