First of all teenage boys think constantly about teenage girls. We just want good looks and a smiling face too and style also matters.
yea. Italian guys love American girls. there hot
Well, the boys think it's "hot"
hell yea
they like that sport or the players are hot/cute
Just girls ! Boys are jealous !
well if she thinks that youre hot then you should accept that. girls will be girls and girls think that boys are hot weather they like it or not and the boy can't do anything to stop how a person feels
Because boys think that when girls talk to them they automatically like them also they think the girl is hot
Pretty much the breasts, butt, the facial looks and yea. Also weight, but this is all stereotypical too.
omg boys are sooo gross and are you a boy who asked this if you are then your a perv
Well some boys only look at the body of a girl is she is hot or not. But a common mistake that alot of people do is that they think all boys think of that. well they are wrong some boys think of the personality, brains, whether or not she will care, what humors her, etc... - so before you judge a guy by first look get to meet him and if he cares only about the body then go ahead slap him. (just kidding don't slap him.)