Could show the number of bodies the got or it could represent one for every 10 years spent in prison.
symbolizes loosing a loved one while being away from them in prison or killing a person while being in or out of prison.
if means you killed someone while you where in prison
Typically, the teardrop tattoo is received when one murders a person. The number of drops sometimes indicates the number of kills. Some represent other things though, such as number of years spent in prison, number of loved ones incarcerated, and even that the wearer was raped in prison in at least one case. Source:
1 tear drop = 10 years in prison
years in side lol. It is a prison symbol which means the offender has served 5 years in prison and the more tear droppes, the more multiples of 5 years that they have served. I know this becasue I have one tear. Thanks That answer is wrong bc my dad has been in jail for more than 10 years and doesnt have a tear drop if you have any tear drop it means you killed someone ! my uncle has a teardrop empty bc he accidentlly killed a baby!
It's a tattoo. How could there be a real tear drop lingering on his face ALL THE TIME?
symbolizes loosing a loved one while being away from them in prison or killing a person while being in or out of prison.
if means you killed someone while you where in prison
Typically, the teardrop tattoo is received when one murders a person. The number of drops sometimes indicates the number of kills. Some represent other things though, such as number of years spent in prison, number of loved ones incarcerated, and even that the wearer was raped in prison in at least one case. Source:
maybe no
Many people get tear drop tattoos to make it through prison or gangs so people will be intimidated by them. However in lil waynes case, the three tear drops stand for his 3 close family members that passed away. Being that there are two drops under one eye and just one under the other eye, the three people that have died probably died under different circumstances. The two under the one eye being they both died either the same way or at the same time and place. The one under the opposite eye probably indicates that they died separately from the other two. Tear drops by the eyes usually mean a couple of things. Filled in on the left side means you commited murder. More then one on the left side filled in , the same style, means you did the same thing twice. The right side means a woman and the left side means a man died. Usually tear drops that are not filled in mean time in prison - 10 years. Teardrops ( 3 ) on a heart filled in with red means 10 years from doing time related to drugs with a cut. Teardrops filled in with green means that you killed a baby. I believe that tear drops by the mouth can mean you watched someone die. Not filled in by the mouth means you did time in a psych ward 10 years in a hospital. A tear drop coming from a dogs mouth filled in means that you did time in a military prison. If they aren't filled in on the same side they can mean 2 years. Weird right ? A tear drop on the elbow can mean that you killed a sibling. A tear drop by a tombstone means that you watched a family member die by natural causes. Now a teardrop on the ass , I dunno.
1 tear drop = 10 years in prison
Artificial tear drops are usually a buffered solution of saline. So, they shouldn't be a problem any time of the day or night. This, however, does NOT mean the same thing as substances like Visine, which have tetrahydrozyline.
every tear drop on a persons face means that he has taken the life of a person. so if he has 3 or 5 on his face, that means that he has killed 3 or 5 that`s not true every tear drop dose not mean that they have killed a person some tear drops mean that they have lost a love one there is all kinds of differant meanings
it means that you are a part of the gang the bloods. two blue tattoos means you are part of the cryps which is the enemy of the bloods
Every tear drops its to each member of his family that has died.
tear drops on my guitar by Taylor swift.