Typically, the teardrop tattoo is received when one murders a person. The number of drops sometimes indicates the number of kills.
Some represent other things though, such as number of years spent in prison, number of loved ones incarcerated, and even that the wearer was raped in prison in at least one case.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teardrop_tattoo
The tear tattoo is a deeply symbolic tattoo with varied connotations that is placed underneath the eye. Teardrop tattoos usually signify the loss of a friend or loved one.[1] Often, for a male, the tattoo is given to represent the death of a brother.[citation needed] An empty tear signifies that the loved one has been killed [2] or that the bearer has unsuccessfully attempted murder.[3] A filled tattoo signifies that a loved one has taken his or her own life, or was killed by a cause other than murder (car crash, death penalty, etc.)[2] A tear with an empty top and a full bottom means that the wearer has avenged the murder of a loved one.[2][3] Tear tattoos, when given in prison, primarily indicate that the bearer has murdered someone, either in or out of jail.[3][4][5] In Australian prisons, teardrop tattoos are often forcibly given to convicted child molesters by other inmates.[2][6] The tattoo can also be given to commemorate a loved one who died while the wearer was incarcerated.
i think it gotz summtin 2 do wit gangs
It is the tattoo of the tribe- The Quileutes. It is a picture of 2 wolves. Probably because they are werewolves.
could mean a few things 1. Love 2. sexual 3. emotional 4. The person getting it done is really passionate about ink!
The regulations for tattoo school length vary by location. In Virginia, according to www.tattoo-training.net, school takes 750 hours. This leads to professional licensure. As a professional tattoo artist I can tell you that there is no such thing as a mandatory tattoo school. Some states require that the artist have been through an apprenticeship for a certain amount of time, but there is no requirement to go to "tattoo school." As a matter of fact, most reputable tattoo artists laugh at the notion of a tattoo school. These schools promise to teach you to be a tattoo artist in 2 weeks... The typical apprenticeship lasts for at least 1-2 years. Having said that, how do you expect a classroom full of students to learn in 2 weeks what a single student takes years to learn in a hands-on environment?
The 1 on his right is for the people he killed and the 2 on the left is for the people that he lost the he Loved
The tear tattoo is a deeply symbolic tattoo with varied connotations that is placed underneath the eye. Teardrop tattoos usually signify the loss of a friend or loved one.[1] Often, for a male, the tattoo is given to represent the death of a brother.[citation needed] An empty tear signifies that the loved one has been killed [2] or that the bearer has unsuccessfully attempted murder.[3] A filled tattoo signifies that a loved one has taken his or her own life, or was killed by a cause other than murder (car crash, death penalty, etc.)[2] A tear with an empty top and a full bottom means that the wearer has avenged the murder of a loved one.[2][3] Tear tattoos, when given in prison, primarily indicate that the bearer has murdered someone, either in or out of jail.[3][4][5] In Australian prisons, teardrop tattoos are often forcibly given to convicted child molesters by other inmates.[2][6] The tattoo can also be given to commemorate a loved one who died while the wearer was incarcerated.
Many people get tear drop tattoos to make it through prison or gangs so people will be intimidated by them. However in lil waynes case, the three tear drops stand for his 3 close family members that passed away. Being that there are two drops under one eye and just one under the other eye, the three people that have died probably died under different circumstances. The two under the one eye being they both died either the same way or at the same time and place. The one under the opposite eye probably indicates that they died separately from the other two. Tear drops by the eyes usually mean a couple of things. Filled in on the left side means you commited murder. More then one on the left side filled in , the same style, means you did the same thing twice. The right side means a woman and the left side means a man died. Usually tear drops that are not filled in mean time in prison - 10 years. Teardrops ( 3 ) on a heart filled in with red means 10 years from doing time related to drugs with a cut. Teardrops filled in with green means that you killed a baby. I believe that tear drops by the mouth can mean you watched someone die. Not filled in by the mouth means you did time in a psych ward 10 years in a hospital. A tear drop coming from a dogs mouth filled in means that you did time in a military prison. If they aren't filled in on the same side they can mean 2 years. Weird right ? A tear drop on the elbow can mean that you killed a sibling. A tear drop by a tombstone means that you watched a family member die by natural causes. Now a teardrop on the ass , I dunno.
2 = B 11= K BK= Blood Killa
1. stroke 2. tear, rent; tatter.
that is his wife August 7, 2008 He is having that tattoo removed as they are divorcing
Tattoo Nightmares - 2012 Tattoo Secrets 2-4 was released on: USA: June 2013
In Legaia 2: Duel Saga, you can obtain Lyps King Tear Drops by stealing them from enemies during battle, primarily from the Lyps King enemy. Alternatively, you can also find them as rare drops or rewards from completing certain quests. Keep battling and exploring to increase your chances of acquiring these unique items.
Tattoo Nightmares - 2012 Branding Is No Way to Tattoo 2-19 was released on: USA: 24 September 2013
2 drops to 1/2 cup
The cast of Tattoo 2 - 2006 includes: Stephanie Okupniak as Girl
There are 1183 drops in 2 fluid ounces