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Some people think that smoking is just a waste of moneyand a waste of life because all it does is makes peopleslife's end earlier and makes them ill.

On the other hand some people think that it relives stress and carm's them down and they are not very likely to die if they only smoke it a little bit and some think its there best friend and could probably never stop and never give up these people are called chain smokers.

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16y ago
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15y ago

Smoking isn't good. At all. It can and probably will give you plenty of diseases in the lungs and heart. Don't smoke. Once you start it's hard to stop.

Smoking makes you stink. Other people can smell it on your breath, your clothes, your hair, etc. It makes your teeth yellow. You look like an addict hanging around smoking areas outside of buildings where smoking is banned inside. When you smoke you expel pollution into the air that everyone else must breathe. Smoking is associated with other bad habits like drinking. Look at the people who smoke and the people who don't smoke and think about which group you would like to be associated with. People who smoke do not put forth a good image. Smoking is expensive. Add up the cost of cigarettes for one year and imagine what you could do with that money instead. You could take a great trip instead of lurking in corners puffing away at a thousand toxins while stinking yourself up.

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13y ago

Yes, we do. We just disapprove of their dissition of smoking and we encourage them to stop smoking.

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mike smith

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Why do rich people smoke?

Rich people smoke for the same reason poor and middle class people smoke, because they want to.

What is the average income of people that smoke?

There is no average income for those who smoke, you have a wide range of people who smoke, from the president, to unemployed people

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People that smoke "weed" don't smoke it for the smell of the smoke, they smoke it for the effect it has on them.

How many people a smoke?

around 500000000 people smoke a day

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what make people addicted to smoke

Ratio of people who smoke to people who dont smoke?

people smoke to people that don't smoke because those who smoke they want that person to be smoking and they also leading them to be one of them.another way they smoke because maybe that person if he/she is lonely they will think that maybe they can be cooler than they were before

Why people should smoke?

People SHOULDN'T smoke. They just get addicted to it!!

What causes people to smoke of underage people?

The reason why people smoke underage is an easy answer DEPRESSION!

How many people smoke?

About 1.3 BILLION world wide, about 22% of the people in the US smoke.

What type of people smoke parliament?

There are many types of people that smoke parliament. There are girs, boys, sick people, black, white, depressed and hyper people that smoke parliament.

Do Danish people smoke?

Only Americans smoke.

Should people smoke if have achalasia?

People shouldn't smoke regardless of whether or not they have achalasia.