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people smoke to people that don't smoke because those who smoke they want that person to be smoking and they also leading them to be one of them.another way they smoke because maybe that person if he/she is lonely they will think that maybe they can be cooler than they were before

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Q: Ratio of people who smoke to people who dont smoke?
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Why do people have to smoke?

they dont

What is the amount of people who smoke?

i dont know i was asking how many dont smoke i dont know the answer if it was my question

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dont like

Why you shouldn't smoke near buildings?

kids are around there. also it is unhealthy for people who dont smoke

What percent of people smoke in 2010?

dont know trying to find out

Why do people not listen to smoke?

I think you meant "Why dont people listen, and not smoke" People smoke because of nicotine. Nicotine could possibly be the most destructive drug ever discovered and quiting smoking is incredibly difficult even after one single inhale. Dont ever try it.

What are two kinds of smoke produced by tabacco?

i dont give a f@#% dont smoke and i dont give a #$%^.

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Fat people dont get smoke weed

Why do people smoke marijunana?

Becuase it relives strees. dont do it, its bad for you. Trust me i went there!

Does smoking affect finding a relationship?

not if its another smoker or the people that dont smoke maybe wont mind orwill not go out with u so i sugsest dont smoke when ur going up to someone and if they start smoking then pull one out and smoke with them

How many under 18's smoke on average?

well i dont know but 15.1 billion people smoke all together. EDIT: There aren't fifteen billion people in the world. The estimated number of people who smoke around the world is: 2 Billion People.

The number of people who smoke in Australia?

there are so many people in australia so i dont know how much people smoke but i know the pecentage. 80% of people in AUS dont smoke.its hard to believe but its true. In 2000 30% of people didnt smoke so the amount of people smoking is reducing. it might get better. they say most of the litter in the WORLD is cigarette buds which is terrible but it might go down.