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Girls are emotional. They aren't like guys. They are in it for the love-y-dubby stuff in the relationship. (It starts with the princess stories at a young age). If they are simply focused on sex from a relationship, they are only concealing that emotional want and feel that sex is the only way to accomplish a relationship from a guy.

Girls put guys at high esteem from the git-go--regardless of age. So you must be responsible and a Man from the git-go---regardless of age. Life is a bitch! A girl sees a guy as a Man, right off. You are her Mr. 007! So, start with the basics: dress well for her and smell well with cologne. Open car doors for her, and such. 2) Listen to her. You don't have to give her an answer to her talk. Seldom give her advice. Let her speak. She is not telling you for advice. She can solve her ways; she wants to know you are listening as a Man shall listen and be a support for her goals. Just be a Man. She needs You. 3) Always buy her flowers. Do it because it is from your heart. 4) Never play a mind game with a Lady. Always give to her. Always Always Always treat a Lady as nice as you can. You have it in you. Let's show our Ladies how great us Men are!

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11mo ago

A young lady may want a guy who is respectful, honest, and trustworthy. She may also value someone who is a good listener, shows genuine interest in her life and goals, and supports her emotionally. Communication, companionship, and mutual respect are key factors in a healthy relationship.

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