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Q: What disorders prevent pregnancy?
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Can marijuana prevent pregnancy?

no it can't prevent pregnancy

Vitamins to prevent pregnancy?

Vitamins don't prevent pregnancy.

Can bv prevent pregnancy?

BV won't prevent pregnancy.

Can hot water prevent pregnancy?

NO ! ONLY contraception or abstinence can prevent pregnancy !

Why is that starch prevent pregnancy?

Starch as in pasta, potatoes etc? That does not prevent pregnancy.

Is cytotec good to prevent pregnancy?

No. Cytotec can be used for abortion but not to prevent pregnancy.

Does yaz prevent pregnancy?

Yaz is a birth control pill. It is intended to prevent pregnancy.

How can I identify and prevent the occurrence of genetic disorders caused by duplets in DNA sequences?

To identify and prevent genetic disorders caused by duplications in DNA sequences, genetic testing can be used to detect the presence of duplications. Additionally, genetic counseling can help individuals understand their risk of passing on these disorders to their children. In some cases, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis can be used to select embryos without duplications before pregnancy.

How can the law prevent eating disorders?

There is no way to prevent an Eating Disorder. It is often in a person's chemical make-up to have an Eating Disorder. There are many things that you can do to help prevent Eating Disorders, but there is nothing that can absolutely prevent it.

You took 8 Advil to prevent pregnancy?

Advil don't prevent pregnancy no matter how many you take.

Can weed prevent pregnancy or interfere with contraception methods?

No, weed does not prevent pregnancy or interfere with contraception methods.

What is a thesis statement for teen pregnancy?

You can write about how to prevent teen pregnancy. Or what causes teen pregnancy. Talking about the right form of education to prevent teen pregnancy will work as well.