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The law said that they were black and were owned. They did not get paid and were treated badly. Sorry if this doesn't ansr ur question.

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Q: What did the law consider the slaves?
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What did the law consider slaves to be?

The past laws considered slaves to be part of a person's property, rather than the human beings they are.

How did Mississippi law limit the acitvities of slaves?

How did mississippi law limit the activities of slaves

Were all slaves unable to read?

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What is a strict law that restricted the rights of slaves?

The strict law that restricted the rights and activities of slaves was the slave codes.

Where in the constitution is the fugitive slaw law?

A law that gave slaves rights

What law said that slaves must be returned?

the fugitive slave law

What was the law that freed the slaves?

It wasn't a law, it was an amendment, the thirteenth amendment

Why were slaves considered chattel?

yes, they were consider as chattel property.

What did congress do that caused the increase of the domestic slave trade?

They passed a law in 1807 that prohibited imporation of slaves to the United States. The law took effect on January 1, 1808. The law did not ban slavery and children born to slaves automatically became slaves themselves. This law and the increasing need for slaves in the South caused the domestic slave trade to increase.

Which the law punished northerners who assisted escaped slaves?

Fugitive Slave Law

How many slaves are alive today?

0 because the law do not allow slaves to be alive today

What nation did the colonial slaves consider as the best hope for liberty?
