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Bows & Arrows, Spears, Clubs

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Q: What did people use before guns?
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What did people use before knives?

Swords and guns maybe...

Why are people killed by a gun?

People are not killed by guns. People are killed by other people. Some use guns, some use other objects.

How many people die by a gun in Texas?

It's not about the guns! It's the people who use the guns.

What did the Inuit people use as weapons?

They use guns.

Why do people think there should be no guns?

Because they think if there were no guns, there would be no crime. Unfortunately, there has been crime since long before there were guns.

Do guns trigger violence?

A gun is an inanimate object. People were violent for THOUSANDS of years before guns existed.

Use and abuse of technology devices?

people killing people with guns

Why do people use guns for animals?

Food is one.

What type of guns did the colonial people use?

The answer to that question is that colonial people did have guns and bought it from the market. They use the guns in duels and other things.

How would the world be different without guns?

People would simply stab each other with swords and use other various devices to kill and maim each other instead like they did before guns were invented.

Are guns for intelligent people?

They are for all people who follow the rules of safety and use.

When were machine guns introduced in world war 1?

Machine guns were in use BEFORE WW 1. They were around for the entire war.