The Mossberg model 83B shotgun in 410 gauge was a shotgun that held either 3,or 4shots which had a internal top loading magazine.these were made from 1933-1946.It should be noted that this model was a bolt action shotgun with usually a 24in barrel.Other lengths could be ordered I believe.
Mossberg....under the model number 500. I have the same 12ga shotgun, I would like to find out what years it was made and the value.
it kicks like none other
Pretty sure it was Mossberg. Take a look at a list of Mossberg shotguns. I'm sure you will find one that looks like your Western Field.
would like the retial value of a new Mossberg model 860
i have a ranger 12 gauge pump model 30 like to know what year it was made and it might be worth
If you are talking about the 50 caliber muzzle loader barrel for the Mossberg 12 gauge Shotgun model 500 or the Maverick 88 - you can't remove the breech plug. You have to clean the barrel like a flintlock. I just bought one from Mossberg's web page (arrived yesterday 12/21/08). It didn't come with any instructions. Fortunately, I found the manuals online at the following addresses: Muzzle Loader Barrel 12 Gauge Shotgun Model 500 Good Luck
Pretty sure it was Mossberg. Take a look at a list of Mossberg shotguns. I'm sure you will find one that looks like your Western Field.
Depending on condition, $75-$125. Durable, reliable, but not a high demand gun. I like them myself.
I have been looking into this myself. Father passed away, got hit from him, but no magazine. Looks like it may be very close to a mossberg 185 20ga. See related link for a web site that has them for the Mossberg. I remember using this gun as a kid and this looks to me like the same design. I'm planning on ordering one myself. ($37.05)
A friend of my just acquired a Wm. Parkhurst 16 gauge shotgun which appears to be a least a hundred years old. I would like to know the value of this model as of today.
I got one for $300 it is like new love the gun!!
Coast to Coast Model 267 20 gauge according to is the Savage model 77; however it looks like a Remington 870 clone to me. Ron Montgomery