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It depends on what you mean by 'safe' - if you mean when it is safe to have sex without becoming pregnant, then any day when you use Birth Control! A woman is only fertile for a maximum of 9 days, around 48 hours when she ovulates and up to a week beforehand when there is fertile quality cervical mucus present which could see sperm survive up to a week. You can guess when these days will be based on your past cycles, this is known as Rhythm Method, but this is totally unreliable because your cycl;es can change and even getting it wrong by a single day can be the difference between being 'safe' and sex resulting in pregnancy. The only way to accurately tell when you are fertile or not is if you use Fertility Awareness Method to monitor your cycles on a day-to-day basis.

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Q: What days of the menstrual cycle are considered not safe?
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When to have intercourse and not to get pregnant?

Do the intercourse in the safe period. It normally starts from 5 days before the cycle and 10 days after the menstrual cycle.

What are safe days in the menstrual period?

The menstrual period is the time in which you are menstruating, I think that you mean your menstrual cycle. Safe days are days you can have sex without getting pregnant, you can only know these days if you were using fertility awareness method as a form of birth control.

What are the safe periods in the menstrual cycle?

During a typical 28 day cycle a woman will be fertile around days 7-16, and all other days would be considered safe days. However unless you use fertility awareness method you can't know for sure when you are fertile or not as cycles change.

How many days after your period is your safe period?

There is no 'safe' period. Pregnancy can occur at any time during your menstrual cycle.

Is it safe to have intercourse just after the menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, unless a woman is pregnant or on hormonal birth control then during her reproductive years she is always in her menstrual cycle. A woman can have sex at any point in her menstrual cycle as long as she uses birth control.

How many days a woman is safe before menstruation?

This depends entirely on the individual woman's menstrual cycle. To determine 'safe days' a woman would have to use fertility awareness method to track her cycles.

Is it safe having intercourse after 15 days of menstruation?

It is safe to have sex on any day of your menstrual cycle as long as you practice safer sex and use birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancy. If you have 15 days of menstrual bleeding you may have hormonal imbalance, but not a concern when it comes to having sex.

Which day in the menstrual cycle are considered not safe?

If by 'not safe' you mean the days that a woman could get pregnant, that would be ovulation and up to a week beforehand when fertile cervical mucus is produced. Typically this would be days 7-16 however unless using fertility awareness method as birth control you can't know when the 'unsafe' days or 'safe' days are - thus unless you want to get pregnant always use contraception.

What are the unsafe days after ones monthly period?

If by "not safe" do you mean most vulnerable to get pregnant, then that would during the ovulatory phase of your menstrual cycle. But any day of your menstrual cycle or any other day is "not safe" if you don't use proper protection.

Is it safe to be sexually active during menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle refers to the reproductive cycle, a woman [of reproductive age, and if not using hormonal birth control] is experiencing her menstrual cycle every day. It's safe to be sexually active at any time as long as you are old enough to be sexually active, practicing safer sex, and using birth control to prevent unintended pregnancy.

What is the safe days for sex?

The first and last seven days counting from the first day of menstrual cycle are known to be safe days for intercourse. However possibility of occurance of pregnancy cannot be completely ruled out even in this period..It is therefore advisable to consult the relevant doctor before going ahead.

Is it safe to go camping while on your menstrual cycle?

Of course it is, why wouldn't it be? There are not many things you can not do when you are menstruating.