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EN: Calendar

DU: Kalender

Deze vraag wordt o.a. in het spel 'Wario - Master of Disguise' gesteld voor de DS.

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Q: What counts the days until they're over?
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Sadly No Sweety Unless You Physically Force them , but yhu can go to prison for that .If You Believe In Soul Mates And You Actally Want a Future With This Person then the worst thing you can do is force them , you will lose theyre trust and yhu will start to irritate them until its all over . I he/she doesnt love you in the 1st place and thy dont understand how much yhu love them , then theyre not worth it x

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Here is a tip........ THEYRE FAKE

How many counts does a eighth note receive?

depends on the tempo (3 over 4, 2 over 4, 4 over 4). Easy answer is in a 4 over 4 tempo, a whole note receives 4 counts (the whole measure), a half note receives 2 counts, a quarter note receives 1 count (or beat) (see the pattern?), and watch this: half of a quarter is an eighth (music) so an eighth note receives half a count. test to you: how many counts does a sixteenth note receive?.